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  • Writer's pictureMizz J

14 tips I discovered to help prioritize and get goal oriented to do more in 2023 efficiently.

A mind full of thoughts is nonstop for me, I wonder if it is because I am a Virgo, which is a common trait, we all have. I know some thinkers, but as they say for a Virgo it's exhausting. And now that I am older is even causing me headaches-I am just tired.

Looking back while 2023 is approaching like a speeding light, I stay reflecting on everything that I have been thru. All the changes, all the experiences and challenges and obstacles that I was able to conquer, and the people that came in and some I even had to let go can definitely be very refreshing and heartbreaking. Is crazy, life is very unpredictable that is a fact, no doubt about it. While I am taking the initiative to place my to-do lists, where is on my phone apps, my office sticky notes, and notebooks I carry in my tote, the list is everywhere and nonstop. Scratch five just to add ten more, ugh. But planning and getting things done efficiently is my curse and blessing at the same time. I just don't know how anyone else functions without a type of daily task. The only thing is that I really need to force myself to stop and just stick to my 1-2 task to tackle a day because I really can drive myself crazy trying to do all of them in one day. So, I decided just to put all my lists together and break them down to figure out how to prioritize them. And not to mention, now I am working on my never-ending list of 2023 goals, whether is personal goals, financial goals, wellness goals, or business goals, I should add a list called go insane goals, might as well.

Yes, I am very goal-oriented, and it can be great but someone like me discovered to be a " perfectionist" which can lead you to check into a psycho ward at times.

I have to remind myself it took the most powerful seven days to create the world so why do I tend to desire to accomplish it in one day? Another great way to manage my time and make the best out of it. So here are 14 tips I discovered to help me prioritize and get goal oriented to do more efficiently.

1. Write down everything that is on your plate each night before you leave work. This includes even small tasks. Don’t count on your brain to remember everything. Take a moment to look the list over and determine the three to five items that should absolutely be accomplished the following day. By planning the night before, you should find yourself better prepared to hit the ground running in the morning. Of course, there might be things that crop up overnight, which may require reevaluation of your most important tasks. But cross that bridge when you get there and make your evening list based on what you know at that time, not what might happen in the future. Personally, I sleep better at night knowing that I got everything out of my mind and onto paper before leaving work).

2. Ask yourself what happens if you don’t complete the tasks on your list. One of the benefits of writing everything down is that you get to rationalize how important everything truly is. So, as you look at your tasks, if the answer to the question "how will this affect me?" then you will clearly see if they are probably the things that need to make their way to the top of your list.

3. Determine which tasks are actually the most critical. This can be done in a number of ways. First, think about the tasks that can only be completed that day. Next, think about how the task serves your family or co-workers if they are involved. Then divide them by urgent tasks that require immediate attention, while important tasks need to be completed and feed into a long-term goal or mission, but they don’t need to be completed right that second. Tasks can be both important and urgent, but usually, they are not.

4. Lists! As you continue to read my posts, you will eventually get the sense that I love lists. A lot. And for productivity, they can really be helpful. One prioritization strategy is to create four lists that you consistently update as needed and which list all of your goals/to-dos: a master list of all tasks, a monthly list, a weekly list, and a daily list. This method helps take some things off of your mind by properly prioritizing them into, for example, the monthly list rather than the daily list. And this comes in handy in my planner, which I will talk about very soon-thanks to my sister.

5. Be realistic about both the time it takes to complete a project and the time you have available. No one truly expects you to be able to do it all. So as you are placing your most critical tasks on your to-do list, think about how much time they will actually take, and build in some buffer. And although it may be tempting, don’t schedule so many tasks that you would have to work for 20 hours straight to finish them all. Leave yourself time for sleeping, eating, commuting, taking a break, etc. I have learned to tackle at least 1-2 tasks per day unless it has a timeline. Remember things take time, not even God created the world in one day.

6. Complete your hardest or least desirable task first. Each morning, when you get ready to conquer your list, first complete one task that you dread doing. This might be part of your morning routine or ongoing research you will need to break in increments. But you’ll find that by getting this out of the way first, you are more productive throughout the rest of the day.

7. Determine whether the work on your to-do list is actually yours to complete. If it isn’t, delegate the task to someone else whenever possible. Sometimes we as woman feel obligated to it all, learn to give task, especially daily tasks to your children or partner. This can help save a lot of time. We don't need to be superwoman 24/7 even.

8. Establish a routine. Our brains work best when they are in a rhythm, so setting specific tasks to happen close to the same time each day can be beneficial in removing some of the procrastination and keeping you on track.

9. Prioritize tasks by level of effort required. After you’ve completed that one task in the morning that you dread, next look at your to-do list and determine which will require the most effort and order then accordingly. If you feel like you have the mental bandwidth, tackle those that will take the most effort first. As you begin to tire toward the end of the day, then look at the easier tasks.

10. Stop being a perfectionist. Arguably, this is a difficult one for a lot of people especially me, because we tend to always believe that if given just a little bit more time, we could do a project so much better. But is that actually true? Produce your best work possible in the time you have allotted yourself, and then let that project go and move on to the next task without guilt.

11. Prioritize backward. Take your deadline and then work backward, determining how long it will take you to complete that task, so you know exactly when you need to start. Again, build in some margins to give yourself space for those fires that need to be put out or just in case the project takes longer than expected. To add to that, consider setting milestone deadlines along the way to project completion. This can help keep you on task and ensure that you aren’t saving everything until the last moment.

12. Be flexible. It doesn’t matter how well you prioritize; things won’t always work out as you intend. This might be because you are waiting for a response from a co-worker or had to attend to an unexpected project that your boss needs within the next hour. This is why it is so important to build buffer time into your task list each day.

13. Consider microtasks. If you have a large project to complete, but aren’t sure where to begin, avoid being paralyzed by fear and instead break it down into smaller steps that you can more easily complete.

14. Don’t put off your personal goals. It’s very easy to put yourself last, especially when you have so many things on your plate. But it’s important that you take time for yourself to work toward your goals, do something fun, or just relax.


Mizz J.


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