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  • Writer's pictureMizz J

8 easy steps to help you decide if a home-based business is right for you.

Updated: Jun 2


Multiple sources of income is no longer a cute idea, it's a necessity.

If you haven't realized by now, eventually you will; that the economy is getting worse each year. And if you are like most, having one job is not enough, even in a two-income household. Yes, that is scary. However, with technology and social media, this is a great time to start a side hustle even if is to help ends meet. Or maybe you are just tired of living paycheck by paycheck and have been wondering how to start a side hustle with little or no investment, but don't know how. Well, here you will see if a home-based business is right for you.


One of the lessons I have learned in my journey trying to reach my financial goals is finding ways to make legit money with little or no investment. And yes there are many ways that you can too.


Don't need extra income, think again.


Are you drowning in debt? Want to purchase a home, or need a more reliable car, what about having an account for those unexpected expenses or worst an emergency? These are just a few reasons to increase your income, or the worst, having to work a 9-5 that makes you cringe to go to.


The reality is the more money you have, the more you can do.


I started a side hustle when I was young, but it was always a seasonal thing, never looked at it as long-term until I became a single mother starting all over. So in 2017 I had no choice but to find ways to just make ends meet. Now over the years after much experimenting and failing a few times, I finally found a side hustle that became a legit business that not only helps me financially but brings me joy to do a service that I enjoy.


Though I am not where I want to be, I have been able to pay off all my debts and able to create an emergency fund and a not-guilty account that allows me to splurge more often than I dreamed of.


In this post, I am going to share all of my best tips for starting a side hustle and making extra income to help you reach your financial goals.



Step 1: Choose a side hustle that you can see yourself doing for a while. Think about skills that you already have that may help others. One of the most easiest and effective side hustles is being a freelancer.


Here are 6 freelancer ideas that you possibly thought about:


1.Starting a blog: A blog similar like is like an online diary where the individual adds posts on virtually any topic. You can publish material daily or on whatever schedule they choose. You can make money in a variety of ways that are relatable to your niche, the best part of a blog is a great way to connect with your audience by allowing you to express yourself as a writer.



2 .Opening an online shop: Online shopping like has been a great way for many to find not only unique items but also the convenience of saving time and money by purchasing with a click of a button.


3. Becoming a virtual assistant: With so many people leaping to becoming entrepreneurs, especially after so many job losses during the pandemic, people easily became overwhelmed with trying to stay afloat. A virtual assistant can help by using the skills and knowledge they already possess and get paid while being in the comfort of their home. If you have thought of becoming a virtual assistant or struggling to establish it, you might want to look into the mentor services that I am offering now.


4. Selling digital products, such as an eBook or an online course: Right now Faceless Digital Marketing has become trending, when more people can provide services and products while still keeping their privacy in tact, perfect for introverts like myself.


5. Teaching a skill: You will be surprised how many people are willing to pay for the knowledge that you gain through your own real-life experience in the corporate world to help them get a promotion or even start an online side hustle themselves.


6. Joining the gig economy: So many free-to-join platforms such as Fiver and Upwork where millions of businesses are looking for help and you have total control over what assignments you want to take and how much to charge.



Step 2: Do your research, YouTube is a great way to only get testimonials, resources, and tutorials on people who share their journey. That way you can see more in depth what it consists of and see if you can envision being in their shoes. You also join communities on platforms such as Facebook. 


Step 3: Start a plan and stick to it. Okay, so you've figured out what and how. Now it's time to write it down and make it real. Now, depending on which side hustle you decided on you will determine investment if any, and how much time you will need to launch it. I have this great easy-to-use goal planner that helps you break down all your ideas so that you can not only track your business goals but also your personal goals so you may find balance in this exciting new journey.


Step 4: It's important to find and set a schedule that would work for you. At first, you will be excited and you will want to do so much, but that can lead to burnout which eventually will make you want to quit when the results don't come as fast as you hoped for. It is better to start slow and then find resources such as an app that you can invest in that can take off some of the time-consuming things out of your hands.


Step 5: Work Smarter Not Harder, so yes there are a lot of side hustles that can minimize the cost of investment when you start. But the truth is, some things will be very challenging to figure out on your own, especially if you get stuck in the research mode since you want everything perfect. Been there done that.


Step 6: Invest in your growth. You might settle for one side hustle and stick to it, you finally got everything flowing, and is bringing you the extra income you need. However, why stop there, with technology consistently changing you will need to keep up, and learning new skills or other side hustles that you can add may help you in other ways if you end up in a hurdle. Never stop learning to get better or new skills, you deserve to reach for the top.


Step 7: Keep track and evaluate your progress, this can help you not only those quarters that are not doing too well but it will help you to see if this is something you want to stick to or may try something else.


Step 8: Know the tax laws regarding side hustle income. One thing to keep in mind about starting a side hustle is that there are tax laws you’ll have to follow. So depending where what state you live in, it will depend on how much you can make without adding the income to your taxes, so to be safe always put some money aside just in case you had an awesome year and you will have to pay back.



Final Thoughts

A side hustle is my absolute favorite way to increase your income. That extra income can help you to pay off debt and reach your financial goals. It can collapse the timeline of these big goals by years! And while starting a side hustle might seem overwhelming at first, it’s a lot less scary once you get started! 




Mizz J.















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